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Belgian Draft Horses: women behind the plow


Farmer Bob, I truly liked this video. It's awesome to see you and the team cooperating. gorgeous horses I'm fairly certain that our families were connected through my late husband David. I'm glad Farmer Bob, I found your channel. Sue Sprang, moderator for Lucky Dawg Productions.

Wow! My face lit up when I watched this video:) I wasn't old enough to recall horses being used for plowing, but I've recently become interested in it because I work with horses, and this video is amazing! Excellent work, Bob and his horse team! I hope you get your much-deserved coffee! You're stronger and more resilient than people half your age!

Well done, Bob. It's good to see certain customs still being practiced. I was around when some plowing took place (I'm 76), but I have more vivid memories of seeing the iceman carry our ice for the icebox and the Ragman's horse-drawn cart. I don't miss that beast; even though I was only 6-7 years old, I had to remove the drained-out ice from the pan under the icebox. Moreover, I don't believe I ever made it to the door without dumping some water on the ground. For a small guy like me, it was roughly 6 inches deep and 2 feet by 4 feet broad, yet we managed to get through it. I appreciate you taking me down memory lane.

so mitigating to watch! I cherished my experience with my drafters....I miss it all....some say the time it takes to unharness and brush them down is a great deal of work contrasted with simply stopping the farm hauler and turning the way to off and going inside....the bond and collaboration with the animals is a compensation after the gig is completed....let the animals cool down under a sweeping in the event that they have been sweating....Brush the ponies down..... continuously remove the chill from the water prior to watering .... then, at that point, I gave my drafters a pleasant hot grain mash....they cherished it!!!!! particularly in cool or cold weather....purchase wheat grain from a feed mill....( never give a pony or donkey wheat....but wheat grain is ok)....put grain in a feed compartment and add extremely heated water to only a tad water level above bran.....stir.....let stand until this exceptionally wet wheat squash is throughly wet all through with NO dry clumps....and
when pleasently warm to your finger ...feed....I gave a gallon bucketfull to each pony! It's filling...warm...and delicious to them and forestalls colic! wet...and warm...and never dry! feed when they are cooled down...watered and brushed....they will cherish you for it....its an extraordinary wellspring of phosphorus which is required in their diet!!!!!


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